We invite you to worship with us, finding hope, faith, and fellowship in Christ
Providence Presbyterian Church is a joyful fellowship
of Christians whose life and message are found in these commitments:
The Bible is God’s Word, sufficient and authoritative for faith and life.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the only Savior and Lord.
The one true and living God delights in holy worship and meets his people there.
Our lives are to be lived as disciples of the Lord Jesus, by his grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, all to the praise of the Triune God!
The church is the universal family of God, a creation of the Holy Spirit, co-heirs with Jesus Christ, being brought into the unity of the faith from every sort of background.
The Lord’s Day at Providence
We meet for worship at Christ Culture Center
315 Kelly Mill Rd., Cumming, GA 30040
Click Here for Directions
Corporate Worship
Sundays 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m
In public worship, the triune God enjoys loving fellowship with his people: the Father with his redeemed children, the Son with his beloved bride, and the Holy Spirit with the living temple in which he dwells. This worship is holy, reverent, joyful, biblical, and sincere. Following the biblical and ancient pattern, the congregation keeps Sunday, the Lord’s Day, as the Christian Sabbath, resting from worldly labors and cares, and worshipping morning and evening. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper weekly.
Corporate Prayer
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Prayer is an essential and normal part of the life of a biblical church. In our corporate prayer meeting we gather both to give thanks and to bring our requests to our compassionate God. In our prayer we magnify the great name of our Triune God, we pray for the advancement of the kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the needs of God’s people and others we love.
Fellowship Meal
First Sunday of the Month
Following the morning worship service, we have a time for coffee and fellowship. Every 1st Sunday, members and guest feast and fellowship together in a shared family meal. This is a great opportunity for casual conversation and encouragement. We plan enough food and desserts for visitors and would be happy for you to stay as our guests.
Opportunities for Fellowship & Discipleship
Instruction for Adults, Youth and children each Sunday after Morning Worship (except for the first Sunday of each month when the Fellowship Meal takes place)
Ladies are invited to join us to study 1 and 2 Thessalonians and fellowship with one another. We look forward to exploring these important books together.
Meets Thursday mornings at 7:00 am at the church fellowship hall. We are currently studying John’s gospel.
Monthly gathering at a member’s home. Currently reading Sinclair Ferguson’s book: Devoted to God’s Church
Meets weekly at 7:00 pm at 2535 Little John Lane, Cumming, GA 30040.